Punchkinhead, the Never-Give-Up Boy
Not long ago, my friend, namesake, and fellow artist Patrik Washburn got in touch with me about a new charity project he was putting together called Holden's Hope. Holden Thomas Underwood is a brave baby boy fighting Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. While Holden's predicament is a heartbreaking one, watching so many talented people come together to help him and his family is one of the most uplifting things I've ever experienced. Although I couldn't contribute artwork, I'm happy to help out Patrik and Holden in any small way I can. The art book, Punchkinhead, the Never-Give-Up Boy, contains artwork contributed by thirty-five of the most exciting artists and illustrators that Japan has to offer. All profits will go to aiding Holden's family to help them pay for Holden's care.
J.A.M.A.D. - Japan Artists Make A Difference, is the collection of artists Patrik gathered together to create this book. We've put together a website to recognize the contributions of these selfless creators at http://www.patokon.com/jamad/. There, you can find links to each of the artists' websites (definitely worth checking out to find some amazing artwork), a preview of the book, and the press release.
Please consider purchasing Punchkinhead and contributing to a wonderful cause. And don't forget to spread the word.