Gallery Show: Tokay Gecko Award 2013 @ Galerie RECOLTE

Gallery Recolte has done it again, putting together an exciting group show from artists all over Japan. I'm excited to have been chosen to be in the show again this year, with 2 brand new cut paper pieces on the walls. In fact, if you squint really, really hard, you might be able to make them out in the photo below.

What's more,the Voting is back too! This is a competition, after all. The best part? It's a competition that is open to the public.

One of the more interesting parts of the vote is that you, the audience, is asked for both your favorite and least favorite artwork. I know it sounds negative, but after a chat with the gallery owner, it turns out that it isn't. The gallery is interested in strong emotional reactions to the artwork, regardless of whether the viewer was attracted or repulsed. So, in a way, a negative reaction is also a positive reaction. Positive reactions remain positive, which is nice too.

If you are in Fukuoka, you can see the work live at the gallery.

If not, the entire Exhibition is viewable online.

Vote by clicking the purple button. English and Japanese are both fine.

Tokay Gecko Award 2013

Dates: April 9 (Tues) to April 21 (Sun) 2013 (* closed 4/15)
Time: 11am to 7pm (closes 5pm final day)
Place: Galerie RECOLTE website
Address: 5-10 B1F Jyosuidori, Chuo-ku Fukuoka 810-0028
Phone: 092-521-6293
Map:right here

日付: 4月9日(火)〜21日(日) 2013 (* 4/15休廊)
時間: 11am to 7pm (最終日17:00まで)
場所: ギャラリーレコルテ ホームページ
住所: 810-0028 福岡市中央区浄水通5-10 B1F
電話: 092-521-6293
Access:最寄り駅 地下鉄七隈線 薬院大通駅 バス 教会前停留所(56,58番)


Name this Newsletter Competition + Postcard Pack 4


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