The Year of the Snake limited edition Laser Cut Print + The Great Cut Paper Creation Competition


Lasers are cool. Not to the touch, of course, but ever since I saw a little movie called Star Wars a long, long time in a drive-in far, far away, I've been fascinated by lasers. How awesome is it, then, that I finally get to use lasers in my work*. Introducing The Year of the Snake limited edition Laser Cut Print! Based on the topmost serpent layer of Among the Petals a White Serpent, this lasercut is an intricately designed, delicately beautiful display of the potency of simplicity and the curviness of snakes. Here in Japan, the white snake is a symbol of good fortune - particularly in the financial department. I hope that it will prove fortuitous for you.

The Year of the Snake limited edition Laser Cut Print is available now in the shop, in its own lasercut section. It is limited to an edition of only 200 prints, of which 100 have already been claimed. Each is signed and numbered by the artist (you can almost read my signature), and will sell for $75 US.

*Full disclaimer: Nobody actually let me touch the laser. Or even look at it. That would be beyond foolish - and quite possibly catastrophic for the entire planet.

The Great Cut Paper Creation Competition

note:  the competition is closed as of May 31, 2013

Thanks to the kind donation of one cut paper fan from Northern Europe, I am able to gift a few cut papery items to the person or cause of my choice. I could just give the items away, but where's the fun in that?!?

I hereby lay down the gauntlet and challenge thee to create the absolute best Cut Paper Artwork you are capable of!!!

Why a competition? I've had an amazing few years making paper art, thanks to the support of a lot of great people. I've learned so much about paper, art, people, and life. Now, it would be an honor to share my obsession with you - to give people who aren't artists and who don't usually have the opportunity or the impetus to get creative a chance to try something new. I earnestly hope you fall in love with paper just as I have.

So be bold! Make art! Get Cutting!

The Rules

We at the studio will pick our favorite piece, and that creator will be declared the winner. No professional cut paper artists, please - we'd love to see great work by people who don't usually have the chance to play with paper.

The winner will receive a copy of the 2013 Cut Paper Art Calendar, 1 open edition giclée print, and a limited edition Year of the Snake Lasercut.

To enter:

Please Post Images to my Facebook Page or email a low res (72 dpi, 800 pixel on longest side) image to newsletter[at]pgannon[dot]com. (after substituting in the appropriate symbols, of course)

The deadline is May 31, 2013*

Entries will be judged on creativity, adventurous use of the paper medium, cutting skill (neatness counts! a bit anyway...), and awesomeness. We'll be picking our favorite piece - so, yes, this will be totally subjective. All decisions are final.

*The original deadline in the newsletter is May 15th, but I'm extending it in the hope of getting more people involved.


皆さんのお陰でかれこれ10年以上切絵を製作してきましたが、この楽しさをぜひ皆さんとシェアしたく、このアイデアを思いつきました! 初めてだけどちょっとやってみようかな?と思ったあなた、ぜひ、チャレンジしてみませんか?





<参加方法> サイズや切絵の手法に制限はありません!紙の切絵でしたら何でもOK。 私のFacebookのページに作品の画像をアップロードするか、下記アドレスにEメールでお送りください。画像は72dpiで長い辺が800ピクセルを目安としてください。 newsletter★ (★を@にしてしてお送りください)



Gallery Show: GIAF 2013


Name this Newsletter Competition + Postcard Pack 4