Friends of Fungi at Arts Rush Gallery, Tokyo

Friends of Fungi きのこと仲間たち

October 2 ~ 21, 2024
at Arts Rush Gallery, Daikanyama, Tokyo

Mushrooms and fungi have become a bigger part of my life since a) I moved to Japan, and b) our daughter came into my life.

a) is because mushrooms of a vast variety are part of the food culture here. Growing up, the only mushrooms I ever ate came on pizza or out of a can. Autumn is mushroom time in Japan. I can run down to the supermarket and pick up the well-known shiitake, statuesque eringi, ruffled maitake, tiny enoki, slimy nameko, ever-present himeji, and so many more. I’ve really come to enjoy most of the earthy flavors. Though I’m not down with the slimy ones.

b) is because kids are fascinated with mushrooms. Probably because mushrooms are fascinating. So many weird shapes, sizes, colors. Plus, they appear as if by magic after a warm rain. The best thing about hanging out with kids is that we stodgy grownups can entertain our child-like sense of wonderment again.

teaser image for "Beneath the Inky Cap" hand-cut and layered paper artwork by Patrick Gannon

One thing I haven’t spent a whole lot of time thinking about is the social circle of mushrooms and fungi. I assume they hang out with other mushrooms. Maybe some bugs or salamanders. The hookah-smoking caterpillar, obviously. Perhaps the occasional faerie or two. It gets one thinking about the conversations fungi have among themselves. And according to this article from MIT Technology Review, fungi actually have quite a bit to say and learn from the world around them.

It is, once again, a thrill to be invited to explore new ideas in paper alongside a wide group of other artists at Arts Rush Gallery in Daikanyama, Tokyo. Stop on by to take a peak at some new art, and experience an array of fascinating visions and creations.

= Participating Artists =
もうひとつの研究所(パラパラ漫画 • flip book comics)
パトリックギャノン(切り絵 • cut paper • me)
とよ田キノ子(絵画グッズ • painted goods)
草薙能子(造形 • sculpture)
安田勤(造形 • sculpture)
千葉由笑(絵画 • painting)

Friends of Fungi • きのこと仲間たち

October 2 ~21, 2024

times: AM 11:00~PM 6:00
closed Tuesdays
closes PM 5:00 Mondays
*gallery closed on Wednesday, October 9th

place: Arts Rush, 1F 2-14-10 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 〒150-0021

tel: 03-3770-6786
directions: English map
directions: map (Japanese)

日付: 20243年10月2日 (水) ~ 21日 (月)

時間: AM 11:00~PM 6:00
月曜日 PM5:00閉店

住所: アートラッシュ • 〒150-0021 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西2-14-10 トゥワォン代官山103
電話: 03-3770-6786
アクセス: 地図


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